Family Books

Family Books (updated September 12, 2016)

Other than the list of core character traits and Bible passages, this collection of books forms much of the raw material that makes up this curriculum framework.  They have been chosen for their strong, memorable storytelling, character illustration, beautiful artwork, historical content and accuracy, ability to introduce difficult topics gently to young children, poetic example, appeal and variety. 

 If you have older children, you may wonder whether you should be looking at or investing in books that are marketed to preschoolers and early elementary kids.  But these books are timeless.  I haven’t included anything here in my recommendations that doesn’t have “sticking power” for adults as well as for children.  Don’t be put off by reviews that a book is for ages 2-7.  Enjoy the story and revel in the illustrations.

Our family has found all of the books listed in this curriculum to be valuable, but you may have some personal favorites that illustrate these or other character traits that you wish to add or substitute.  You are the parent and the teacher; you know your children and can make the best decisions for your family.  Happy reading!


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