Geography Materials

This curriculum is designed so it can be used with this puzzle:

“The Global Puzzle (600-piece)”


The pieces are shaped like the actual countries.  Most days’ itineraries can be covered with one puzzle piece.  Some of the largest countries have more than one piece.  

Before the start of each school year, I assemble the outer framework of the puzzle — everything except the country pieces — on our school desk and cover it with a sheet of Plexiglass the same size as the desktop.  I’ve numbered the backs of the each of the country pieces with their curriculum day and filed the in a 3-ring binder in transparent sheets designed to hold sports trading cards.  This makes it easy to find each day’s puzzle piece and add it to the puzzle.

The first year we used this curriculum, the kids put a lot of thought into how they would travel from one place to another (covered wagon, canoe, camel, airplane, helicopter, on foot…) and what they would take with them (sunscreen, mosquito net, winter boots, ice).  We discussed climate, altitude, and local wildlife.  We also filled out “flight plans,” where we noted the general direction of travel, distance, and time enroute given their chosen method of transportation.

Another year, we researched the local foods and cooked many of them.  Many places, we have toured online using YouTube, Google Earth, and Google Images.

Additional resources you may find valuable in your study of geography include the following:

“Geographica”  An excellent, easily understood world atlas


“Operation World”  – A comprehensive book, organized by country, that contains facts and statistics about every country as well as information about its religious climate and local missions efforts


“Window on the World”  – A children’s book based on Operation World and organized by country



“From Akebu to Zapotec”  – An alphabet book of unreached people groups



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