Day 127: Hope

Daily Sheet: Day 127: Hope

Family Book: Star of Fear, Star of Hope

Family Book: “Erika’s Story” – Be very careful to read this one first!!!  It is not appropriate for most young children.  I do think it is important for older students.

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Travel: France

Video: “It Might Be Hope” – Sara Groves

Song: “Soldier of Hope” – Roo Panes



Day 115: Care

Daily Sheet: Day 115: Care

Family Book: “The Call of the Swamp”


Travel: Paraguay

Song: “Hands” – Roo Panes

Hold gently what you wish to grow old with.  Don’t close those hands.


  • What do you think this book is about?
  • Do you think it was right for Boris to go back to the swamp?
  • Why did his parents respond the way they did?
  • Discuss the song “Hands” as it relates to this book.

Day 111: Organization

Daily Sheet: Day 111: Organization

Family Book: “Aunt Minnie McGranahan”


Travel: Hungary; Croatia; Bosnia; Serbia; Bulgaria

Video: “I Am Not a Mistake” – Indiana Feek

Video: “The Color Green” – Rich Mullins (official music video, with introduction by Rich)


