Day 81: Courage

Daily Sheet: Day 81: Courage

Family Book: “They Called Her Molly Pitcher”


Travel: Louisiana; Arkansas

Song: “Song For My Sons” – Sara Groves

“Your dad and I pray for strength and understanding for things we couldn’t see or comprehend.”

Song: “Sing for the Wind” – Roo Panes

“Love’s the journey of a lifetime, and where you finish isn’t where you start.”


  • What is the difference between bravery and courage?
  • Why do you think the story of Gabriel speaking to Mary was chosen for “Courage”?

Day 60: Wonder

Daily Sheet: Day 60: Wonder

Family Book: “Why Am I Here?”


Optional Family Book: “Tonight You Are My Baby”


Travel: Canary Islands

Video: “Precious Again” – Sara Groves (official music video)

Video: “Breath of Heaven” – Sara Groves (dance ministry team)

Video: “Breath of Heaven” – Amy Grant (twin interpretive dance)


Day 59: Welcoming

Daily Sheet: Day 59: Welcoming

Family Book: “Room for a Little One”


Travel: Portugal; Spain

Video: “Just Come In” – Margaret Becker (live acoustic performance)

Video: “Just Come In” – Margaret Becker

Video: “Wayward and Torn” – Gungor (live performance)




Day 58: Humility

Daily Sheet: Day 58: Humility

Family Book: “Father and Son: A Nativity Story”


Travel: Italy; Slovenia; San Marino; Sicily; Sardinia; Corsica; Balearic Islands; Monaco; Vatican City

Video: “Joseph’s Song” – Michael Card

Song: “Honesty” – Margaret Becker




Day 56: Peace

Daily Sheet: Day 56: Peace

Family Book: “Christmas”


Travel: Georgia; Armenia

Song: “Peace that Passes Understanding” – Wayne Watson

Song: “This Peace” – Sara Groves

Video: “Peace, Peace” – Sara Groves (sung by 10-year-old Hope Livesay and her dad)



Day 55: Repentance

Daily Sheet: Day 55: Repentance


Travel: Azerbaijan

Video: “Prodigal” – Gungor (This is a very powerful video with a surprise ending — watch it before sharing it with your kids because it requires some thought.  But do share it!)

Song: “Pilgrim” – Andru Bemis  (Andru is my brother.  You can check out the rest of his music on this website as well or here.

Song: “Nothing But the Blood” – Fernando Ortega (instrumental)

Song: “Nothing But the Blood” – Fernando Ortega (standard instrumental arrangement, with words)
