Day 137: Boldness

Daily Sheet: Day 137: Boldness

Family Book: “Back of the Bus”

Family Book: “Cumbayah”

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Travel: South Carolina; Georgia; Florida; Alabama; Mississippi; Sea Islands

Song: “Bold Little Preacher” – The Crossing


  • Both of today’s books were illustrated by Floyd Cooper.  What observations can you make about his illustration style?  What are the similarities between the two books?  What are the differences?



Day 92: Friendliness

Daily Sheet: Day 92: Friendliness

Family Book: “Meet Danitra Brown”


Travel: Namibia

Video: “Twice As Good” – Sara Groves (official music video)

Life with you is half as hard and twice as good.

Video: “Where I Want to Go” – Roo Panes

Well I’ve found what I need, in your arms.  And there’s nothing for me outside your arms.

Because your love takes me where I want to go!

Further than the eye can see, but nearer than the air I breathe.  I don’t need to see the end, to follow you all the way my friend.

