Day 137: Boldness

Daily Sheet: Day 137: Boldness

Family Book: “Back of the Bus”

Family Book: “Cumbayah”

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Travel: South Carolina; Georgia; Florida; Alabama; Mississippi; Sea Islands

Song: “Bold Little Preacher” – The Crossing


  • Both of today’s books were illustrated by Floyd Cooper.  What observations can you make about his illustration style?  What are the similarities between the two books?  What are the differences?



Day 128: Generosity

Daily Sheet: Day 128: Generosity

Family Book: “A New Coat for Anna”


Travel: Denmark

Song: “Come Thou Fount”- Fernando Ortega (with lyrics)



Day 125: Mercy

Daily Sheet: Day 125: Mercy

Family Books: “My Favorite Food”“Mrs. Katz and Tush”

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Travel: Slovakia

Video: “I Will Sing” – Rich Mullins

Video: “Different Child” – Roo Panes



Day 111: Organization

Daily Sheet: Day 111: Organization

Family Book: “Aunt Minnie McGranahan”


Travel: Hungary; Croatia; Bosnia; Serbia; Bulgaria

Video: “I Am Not a Mistake” – Indiana Feek

Video: “The Color Green” – Rich Mullins (official music video, with introduction by Rich)




Day 110: Neutrality

Daily Sheet: Day 110: Neutrality

Family Book: “The Slant Book”


Travel: Austria; Czech Republic; Switzerland

Video: “Roll to the Middle” – Sara Groves



Day 92: Friendliness

Daily Sheet: Day 92: Friendliness

Family Book: “Meet Danitra Brown”


Travel: Namibia

Video: “Twice As Good” – Sara Groves (official music video)

Life with you is half as hard and twice as good.

Video: “Where I Want to Go” – Roo Panes

Well I’ve found what I need, in your arms.  And there’s nothing for me outside your arms.

Because your love takes me where I want to go!

Further than the eye can see, but nearer than the air I breathe.  I don’t need to see the end, to follow you all the way my friend.



Day 91: Acceptance

Daily Sheet: Day 91: Acceptance

Family Book: “Leo the Lop”


Travel: Botswana

Video: “One Faith” – John Michael Talbot & Michael Card

He is the good Shepherd and He’s laid down his life for His sheep, so out of many nations He’s gathered one fold and one faith;

And He has built His church on the rock foundation of faith, on apostles and prophets who shepherd the people in His place.

And He gave to Simon Peter and to all the twelve the keys of the Kingdom so darkness shall never prevail

But some of the shepherds have pastured themselves on their sheep, so He has come out against them and scattered His people of faith.

In good pasture He will shepherd His people; On the mountain top He feeds His sheep.  He will heal the poor and afflicted; To the prisoner He brings release.

Yet He’ll not forsake His people; He’ll claim His sheep for His own.  He’ll send out His Word to the nations, regather His people back home,

For He is the good Shepherd.  He’s laid down His life for His sheep, so out of many nations He’s gathered one fold and one faith.

There is one faith, one hope, and one baptism, One God and Father of all.  There is one church, one body, one life in the Spirit now given so freely to all.


  • What does it mean to “Accept one another… just as Christ accepted you”?
  • Put Leviticus 19:34 into today’s terms.
  • What does John Michael Talbot’s song, “One Faith,” have to do with acceptance?
  • Discuss the significance of John Michael Talbot’s (biography here) and Michael Card’s (biography here) collaboration on this project.



Day 90: Contentment

Daily Sheet: Day 90: Contentment

Family Book: “Last Stop on Market Street”


Travel: Ireland

Hymn: “Amazing Grace” – Joey + Rory Feek

Amazing grace!  How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.  How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; ‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me; His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, a life of joy and peace.

When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’ve first begun.

Video: “Give Me Jesus” – Fernando Ortega (live)

In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus.

And when I am alone, give me Jesus.

And when I come to die, give me Jesus.

Give me Jesus, give me Jesus.  You can have all this world, but give me Jesus.

