Day 80: Bravery

Daily Sheet: Day 80: Bravery

 “Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor
“Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers’ Strike of 1909”
“Inch by Inch”

Travel: Guinea-Bissau


  • What is the time interval between Lewis Hine’s photography the shirtwaist makers’ strike?
  • Lewis and Clara were both interested in helping make things change.  How did their methods differ?

*** Film Festival Note:  Watch it ahead of time.  It will require discussion.  

Video: “Sing for the Wind” – Roo Panes (Dance)

Hymn: “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” – Fernando Ortega

Video: Audrey Assad speaks about the story behind her song, “Even Unto Death”

Video: “Even Unto Death” – Audrey Assad

Song: “I Won’t Be Afraid Anymore” – Nomos (I can’t find it online for listening, but here is a link for the album — which is all good!)  “I Won’t Be Afraid Anymore” – Nomos
