Day 141: Conviction

Daily Sheet: Day 141: Conviction

Family Book: “That’s Where God Is”


Travel: Romania

Video: “Everywhere I Look” – Phil Keaggy

Video: “I See You” – Rich Mullins



Day 139: Steadfastness

Daily Sheet: Day 139: Steadfastness

Family Book: “Freedom Summer”


Travel: Utah; Colorado

Video: “If I Stand” – Rich Mullins (acoustic, Wheaton College chapel service 1997)

Song: “If I Stand” – Adam Young (Owl City)


  • When Satan told Jesus the following, what was he referring to?  (If you get stuck, refer back to Day 131).

For it is written: “He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

  • What does this tell us about Satan?

Day 138: Calmness

Daily Sheet: Day 138: Calmness

Family Book: “Through My Eyes”


Travel: Louisiana; Arkansas; Tennessee; North Carolina; Virginia; Maryland; Delaware;  West Virginia; Kentucky

Video: “Hold Me Jesus” – Rich Mullins (live, acoustic, with Dutch subtitles)



Day 125: Mercy

Daily Sheet: Day 125: Mercy

Family Books: “My Favorite Food”“Mrs. Katz and Tush”

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Travel: Slovakia

Video: “I Will Sing” – Rich Mullins

Video: “Different Child” – Roo Panes



Day 111: Organization

Daily Sheet: Day 111: Organization

Family Book: “Aunt Minnie McGranahan”


Travel: Hungary; Croatia; Bosnia; Serbia; Bulgaria

Video: “I Am Not a Mistake” – Indiana Feek

Video: “The Color Green” – Rich Mullins (official music video, with introduction by Rich)




Day 105: Alertness

Daily Sheet: Day 105: Alertness

Family Book: “Dawn Watch”


Travel: Michigan; Wisconsin

Video: “Gotta Get Up” – Rich Mullins

Video: “Wake Up Sleeper” – Gungor (live, in subway station)




Day 101: Belief

Daily Sheet: Day 101: Belief

Family Book: “I Believe: The Nicene Creed”


Travel: Congo

Map: Mary Kingsley’s Travels

Video: “Creed” – Rich Mullins (with introduction by Rich)

I hope I would leave a legacy of joy; a legacy of real compassion.  Because I think there is a great joy in real compassion.  I don’t think that you can know joy apart from caring deeply about people, caring enough about people that you actually do something.  But I have a feeling like if my life is motivated by my ambition to leave a legacy, what I will probably leave as a legacy is ambition.  But if my life is motivated by the power of the Spirit in me, if I live in the awareness of the indwelling Christ, if I allow His presence to guide my actions, to guide my motives, those sorts of things, that’s the only time I think that we really leave a great legacy.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.  My ambition to be a good guy is a fleshly ambition.  And when Christ calls us to take up our cross and follow him, a lot of us think that what that means is we’re supposed to lay down our vices, and we’re supposed to cling to virtues, but I think that unless Christ is Lord of our virtues, our virtues become dangerous to us and dangerous to the people around us.  I think that when Christ calls us to take up our cross, what He means is you must die not only to whatever vices are in your life, which he will eventually kill out, you must also die to whatever virtues are in your life.  Your life is not valuable because you are an articulate speaker, your life is not valuable because you are a generous person, your life is not valuable because of any of that.  If we empty ourselves of everything and allow God to be present, then it’s no longer us, it’s Him.  Then it becomes a spiritual thing.  And that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.  And that’s when I think Christianity really begins to make sense.

Video: “Creed” – Rich Mullins with Third Day (with Croatian subtitles)



Day 85: Community

Daily Sheet: Day 85: Community

Family Book: “A Place Called Freedom”


Travel: French Guiana; Suriname; Guyana

Video: “Peace” – Rich Mullins (Faces of 2010)

Though we’re strangers, still I love you.  I love you more than your mask.  And you know you have to trust this to be true, and I know that’s much to ask.  But lay down your fears, come and join this feast.  He has called us here, you and me.

And may peace rain down from Heaven like little pieces of the sky, Little keepers of the promise falling on these souls this drought has dried.  In His Blood and in His Body, in the Bread and in this Wine,

Peace to you.  Peace of Christ to you.

And though I love you, still we’re strangers, prisoners in these lonely hearts.  And though our blindness separates us, still His light shines in the dark.

And His outstretched arms are still strong enough behind these prison bars to set us free.

So may peace rain down from Heaven like little pieces of the sky, Little keepers of the promise falling on these souls this drought has dried.  In his Blood and in His Body, in the Bread and in this Wine,

Peace to you.  Peace of Christ to you.

Video: “Call It Dreaming” – Iron & Wine

…Where we break when our hearts are strong enough, We can bow ’cause our music’s warmer than blood.

Where we see enough to follow, We can hear when we are hollow.

Where we keep the light we’re given, We can lose and call it living…


  • Discuss community as it relates to two similar words: communion, and unity
  • What do you think is meant by the following line?

Where we keep the light we’re given, we can lose and call it living.


Day 78: Confidence

Daily Sheet: Day 78: Confidence

Family Book: “Leather Shoe Charlie”


Travel: Burkina Faso; Ghana; Togo; Benin; Cote D’Ivoire

Video: “Ready for the Storm” – Rich Mullins (Final concert — Rich died unexpectedly six days later. Sorry for the poor video quality.)

Song: “Ready for the Storm” – Ric Blair

