Day 133: Thriftiness

Daily Sheet: Day 133: Thriftiness

Family Book: “Sunday Outing”


Travel: Fiji Islands

Video: “All I Need” – Sara Groves (magazine cut-out collage)

Video: “All I Need” – Sara Groves (stop motion video)



Day 55: Repentance

Daily Sheet: Day 55: Repentance


Travel: Azerbaijan

Video: “Prodigal” – Gungor (This is a very powerful video with a surprise ending — watch it before sharing it with your kids because it requires some thought.  But do share it!)

Song: “Pilgrim” – Andru Bemis  (Andru is my brother.  You can check out the rest of his music on this website as well or here.

Song: “Nothing But the Blood” – Fernando Ortega (instrumental)

Song: “Nothing But the Blood” – Fernando Ortega (standard instrumental arrangement, with words)
