Day 123: Efficiency

Daily Sheet: Day 123: Efficiency

Family Book: “Building an Igloo”


Travel: Alaska

Video: “Scientists in Japan” – Sara Groves talks about the meaning behind the song

Video: “Scientists in Japan” – Sara Groves (official music video)



Day 29: Thankfulness


Daily Sheet: Day 29: Thankfulness

Family Book: “Thank You, God”

Family Book: “A Different Pond”

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Travel: Taiwan

Video: Stories of Christian Persecution: Eritrea – The story of Helen Berhane

If you were to wake up tomorrow with only the things you thank God for today, what would you have?

Hymn: “This Is My Father’s World” – Charles Holt tells the story of his grandmother

Video: “Something Changed” – Sara Groves

Song: “Grace For Me” – Gungor (with Portuguese subtitles)

Listen for and discuss the following lyrics:

“Valleys come and tears are drying.  There are things I don’t yet see.  But I’ll rejoice in spite of hardship.  You’ll watch over me.  Your grace for me is all I need; all I need is here.”


  • What does it mean to be thankful “in all circumstances”?
  • Is there a difference between thankfulness and gratitude?