Day 127: Hope

Daily Sheet: Day 127: Hope

Family Book: Star of Fear, Star of Hope

Family Book: “Erika’s Story” – Be very careful to read this one first!!!  It is not appropriate for most young children.  I do think it is important for older students.

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Travel: France

Video: “It Might Be Hope” – Sara Groves

Song: “Soldier of Hope” – Roo Panes



Day 119: Groundedness

Daily Sheet: Day 119: Groundedness

Family Book: “Migrant”


Travel: Colombia

Video: “Home from Home” – Roo Panes

Song: “This Cup” – Sara Groves

Video: “I Am Mountain” – Gungor (official music video)



Day 103: Attentiveness

Daily Sheet: Day 103: Attentiveness

Family Book: “Good Night, Gorilla”


Travel: Cameroon

Map: Mary Kingsley’s Travels

Video: “A Message To Myself” – Roo Panes

Going to get out of here, so many voices fill this place; Society is in my solitude.  Oh find me the corner of this great space!  If I’d heard every word, if I’d read every line upon the shelf, I’d still need a message to myself.

Searching for the elements, the roots of a fundamental love; Been reaching out to find my solid ground, ’cause I’ve never known peace lest from above.  So up in the clear, I’ll find the voice that I hold dear, and I’ll send a message to myself.

Video: “Just One More Thing” – Sara Groves

