Day 131: Security

Daily Sheet: Day 131: Security

Family Book: “Psalm 23”


Travel: Samoa, Tonga

Video: “You Cannot Lose My Love” – Sara Groves

Video: “My Sweet Refuge” – Roo Panes




Day 89: Empathy

Daily Sheet: Day 89: Empathy

Family Book: “The Long March: The Chocktaw’s Gift to Irish Famine Relief”


Travel: Oklahoma; Texas

Song: “Why It Matters” – Sara Groves (with lyrics)

Sit with me and tell me once again of the story that’s been told us, of the power that will hold us, of the beauty, of the beauty, Why it matters.

Speak to me until I understand why our thinking and creating, why our efforts of narrating about the beauty, of the beauty, And why it matters.

Like the statue in the park of this war torn town, and its protest of the darkness and the chaos all around, with its beauty, how it matters, How it matters.

Show me the love that never fails, the compassion and attention midst confusion and dissension, like small ramparts for the soul, How it matters.

Like a single cup of water, How it matters.


  • Compare “empathy” to “sympathy.”  Which is more meaningful?  Why?
  • Why do you think the story of Jesus raising the widow’s son was chosen for “Empathy” rather than for “Compassion?”
  • Think about the story of “The Long March” while you re-read the bolded lines at the end of Sara Groves’ song, “Why It Matters.”  How do you think the Chocktaw’s act of kindness, inspired by empathy, might have built “small ramparts for the soul”?  And what is the “single cup of water” reference?

Day 65: Responsibility

Daily Sheet: Day 65: Responsibility

Family Book: “The Mysterious Tadpole”


Travel: United Kingdom

Map: Triangular Trade Route


Song: “All That Time” – Fernando Ortega

Song: “Generations” – Sara Groves

Remind me of this with every decision: generations will reap what I sow.

Song: “Hands” – Roo Panes


Day 60: Wonder

Daily Sheet: Day 60: Wonder

Family Book: “Why Am I Here?”


Optional Family Book: “Tonight You Are My Baby”


Travel: Canary Islands

Video: “Precious Again” – Sara Groves (official music video)

Video: “Breath of Heaven” – Sara Groves (dance ministry team)

Video: “Breath of Heaven” – Amy Grant (twin interpretive dance)


Day 58: Humility

Daily Sheet: Day 58: Humility

Family Book: “Father and Son: A Nativity Story”


Travel: Italy; Slovenia; San Marino; Sicily; Sardinia; Corsica; Balearic Islands; Monaco; Vatican City

Video: “Joseph’s Song” – Michael Card

Song: “Honesty” – Margaret Becker




Day 55: Repentance

Daily Sheet: Day 55: Repentance


Travel: Azerbaijan

Video: “Prodigal” – Gungor (This is a very powerful video with a surprise ending — watch it before sharing it with your kids because it requires some thought.  But do share it!)

Song: “Pilgrim” – Andru Bemis  (Andru is my brother.  You can check out the rest of his music on this website as well or here.

Song: “Nothing But the Blood” – Fernando Ortega (instrumental)

Song: “Nothing But the Blood” – Fernando Ortega (standard instrumental arrangement, with words)


Day 29: Thankfulness


Daily Sheet: Day 29: Thankfulness

Family Book: “Thank You, God”

Family Book: “A Different Pond”

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Travel: Taiwan

Video: Stories of Christian Persecution: Eritrea – The story of Helen Berhane

If you were to wake up tomorrow with only the things you thank God for today, what would you have?

Hymn: “This Is My Father’s World” – Charles Holt tells the story of his grandmother

Video: “Something Changed” – Sara Groves

Song: “Grace For Me” – Gungor (with Portuguese subtitles)

Listen for and discuss the following lyrics:

“Valleys come and tears are drying.  There are things I don’t yet see.  But I’ll rejoice in spite of hardship.  You’ll watch over me.  Your grace for me is all I need; all I need is here.”


  • What does it mean to be thankful “in all circumstances”?
  • Is there a difference between thankfulness and gratitude?