Day 140: Dependability

Daily Sheet: Day 140: Dependability

Family Book: “This is the Rope”


Travel: Nevada

Song: “The Red Sea” – Ric Blair

Video: “Abide With Me” – Audrey Assad

Video: “My Sweet Refuge” – Roo Panes


Day 139: Steadfastness

Daily Sheet: Day 139: Steadfastness

Family Book: “Freedom Summer”


Travel: Utah; Colorado

Video: “If I Stand” – Rich Mullins (acoustic, Wheaton College chapel service 1997)

Song: “If I Stand” – Adam Young (Owl City)


  • When Satan told Jesus the following, what was he referring to?  (If you get stuck, refer back to Day 131).

For it is written: “He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

  • What does this tell us about Satan?

Day 138: Calmness

Daily Sheet: Day 138: Calmness

Family Book: “Through My Eyes”


Travel: Louisiana; Arkansas; Tennessee; North Carolina; Virginia; Maryland; Delaware;  West Virginia; Kentucky

Video: “Hold Me Jesus” – Rich Mullins (live, acoustic, with Dutch subtitles)



Day 137: Boldness

Daily Sheet: Day 137: Boldness

Family Book: “Back of the Bus”

Family Book: “Cumbayah”

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Travel: South Carolina; Georgia; Florida; Alabama; Mississippi; Sea Islands

Song: “Bold Little Preacher” – The Crossing


  • Both of today’s books were illustrated by Floyd Cooper.  What observations can you make about his illustration style?  What are the similarities between the two books?  What are the differences?

